

For information on Periodical Cicadas, please visit the Tree Pests & Disease page.

The Forestry Division maintains over 21,000 parkway and city-owned trees. The City contracts with private tree care companies to provide various forestry services such as tree and stump removal, pest and disease management, cyclical pruning of over 2,500 trees annually,  and storm response. City trees are managed in a way that preserve and enhance the aesthetics of the community and maximize the benefits that trees provide now and in the future.

Residents can request an inspection of their parkway tree by contacting the Forestry Division or submitting a service request online below. Forestry Staff will review requests in the order they are received and determine if off-cycle pruning is warranted.

Please note: The Forestry Division does not treat trees for common pest or leaf disease issues. Although treatments are typically not warranted, you may contact a local tree care company to discuss management options and secure a right-of-way permit prior to any work. View the "Tree Pests & Disease" page for more information.

Trees will only be pruned outside of their six-year cycle for the following reasons:
  1. Large deadwood or broken/hanging branches posing significant risk,
  2. storm damage,
  3. low branches blocking pedestrian or vehicular travel or causing a view obstruction,
  4. branches interfering with buildings, or
  5. other reasons determined by Forestry Staff.
Request Parkway Tree Inspection

Forestry Division
505 Butler Place
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 318-5231